How To Handle Negative Google Reviews For a Restaurant Owners?

Negative Google Reviews

Negative Google Reviews, Did you know that 88% of consumers report that a bad review has convinced them to avoid a business? In the restaurant industry, which survives upon customer satisfaction, even a single bad Google review may just prove disastrous to your reputation and bottom line.

Whether it be about the quality of food, service, or even ambiance, every review counts since it has a positive or negative influence on other customers’ decisions. The key is to turn those into opportunities for growth and customer retention.

Some even opt to buy Google Reviews to balance out the damage, but there are better and more organic ways of responding in such situations. In this blog, we will discuss how you can manage your negative Google reviews to not only minimize their damage but also reinforce your restaurant’s reputation.

Understanding The Impact Of Negative Google Reviews

Negative Google reviews have a ripple effect far beyond that one disgruntled customer. They will affect the decision of myriad people in consideration of a dining experience out at your restaurant. Here’s how.

Whenever people seek a restaurant, the first thing they do is check Google Reviews for its quality. One negative review will be a red flag for your potential customers that may keep them away from your restaurant. 

It will likely be even more of a deterrent if it is one of the first reviews seen. Even a few negative reviews can lower your overall rating, leaving you further behind the competition with higher ratings.

8 Practices On How To Respond To Negative Google Reviews

While receiving a negative review can be disheartening, how you respond to it can make all the difference. Here are some best practices for responding to negative Google reviews effectively:

  • Review the Complaint

First, take a moment to read the review in detail before your fingers hit the keyboard to type your response. You need to understand the specifics of the complaint. 

It will make your response relevant and on point because you took the time to assess the validity of the complaint. This will prevent you from assuming and reacting defensively, which is bound to escalate the situation.

  • Show Empathy

When they are heard and understood, they usually soften their stance. Start by acknowledging their feelings and the inconvenience they experienced.

This approach helps mend relations with the upset customer and points out to would-be customers how much your restaurant cares about guest satisfaction.

  • Respond Timely

The quicker the response, preferably within 24-48 hours, the more proactive and genuinely concerned you will appear. Responses can prevent such situations from getting out of hand, as they prove that you are bound to get the issue at hand sorted out as soon as possible.

Also, other customers reading the review will appreciate your responsiveness, which dampens the impact of their negative feedback on your restaurant’s reputation.

  • Express Gratitude

It may go against the grain to thank them for a bad review, but thanking them has its own powers within your responding strategy. Thanking the reviewer shows you value his or her input and welcomes all types of feedback.

This helps dissipate residual negativity and engages you in open communication with them. For example, you could say, “Thank you for bringing this to our attention; we’re always looking to improve our service.”

  • Take the Conversation Offline

While it is essential to acknowledge the review publicly, some issues are best dealt with in private. Offering him to take the conversation offline proves your willingness to go out of the way to heed his concerns. This saves him the to-and-fro playing out in public, potentially deters people from becoming customers.

Provide a direct line- a phone number or email address- with which the customer can reach you. You can add, for example, “We’d be very interested in discussing this further. If you call us at X, we will ensure you’re taken care of.”

  • Personalize Your Response

A generic response can sound insincere. Instead, personalize your response by addressing the reviewer by name and addressing the specific concerns they brought up.

This shows you truly value their experience and would like to make it right. For example, if a customer said your service was slow, let them know you understand it was too slow and tell them about any steps you’re taking in order to reduce wait time.

  • Offer to Make It Right

One of the best ways to handle negative feedback is to offer a solution. Whether this means inviting the customer back in for a complimentary meal or discounting their next visit, an olive branch can be extended and turn a negative into a positive experience.

This will not only help resolve the relationship with the disgruntled customer, but it will also show potential customers that you care about customer satisfaction.

  • Take a Lesson from the Feedback

Negative reviews can be a good source of feedback. Analyze all comments for repetitions of any of the given issues. Are they repeatedly complaining about the same problem?

Take this information and apply critical changes to your restaurant. By removing the source of each negative review, you will be avoiding future problems concerning that issue from occurring again and, at the same time, improving the dining experience all the more for all your patrons.

5 Best Samples to Reply to Negative Reviews

Here are five concise and effective sample responses to common negative reviews:

  • Response 1

“Hello [Name], Thank you for taking the time to give us this feedback. We are very sorry to hear that the meal did not live up to your expectations. We can imagine how disappointing this must have been for you, and we would love to make it right. Please contact us directly at [email/phone] to discuss how to improve your experience.”

  • Response 2

“Dear [Name], we regret that we have kept you waiting longer than expected during your last visit. We will streamline our processes to make sure that in the future, the services will be quicker. Thank you for being patient, and please give us another chance to serve you better..”

Response 3

“Dear, we are very sorry to hear about your interaction with our personnel. We make every effort to provide all our guests with a friendly atmosphere, and it would appear that, in this instance, we fell short of the desired mark. Please contact us directly at so we can discuss how to make this right for you.”

Response 4

“Dear [Name], thank you for sharing with us your candid feedback about the ambiance of our restaurant. Sorry to hear that the ambiance did not appeal to your taste. 

We will always be on the move to make the dining environment of our guests as comfortable as possible. If you have any more feedback, we’d love to hear it-please do not hesitate to discuss this further with us at.

Response 5

“Hello [Name], we are sorry that your order was wrong. We understand how frustrating it feels when an order doesn’t go right-especially when one is hungry and looking forward to a meal. 

We are taking steps to ensure this won’t happen in the future. If you could kindly contact us directly at [email/phone] so we may properly care for this for you this time, we would appreciate that.


Handling bad Google reviews is important for your restaurant to continue to enjoy a positive online presence that will ensure its long-term success. 

You achieve this through promptness and professionalism in responses, personalization of responses, and use of negative feedback for improvement in order to turn what could have been a setback into new opportunities.

As a business owner, what you want is more positive reviews. Hence you must encourage them from your loyal customers. Monitor your reputation regularly; if you think you will not be able to handle it, take the help of professionals. 

When you apply the right approach for your restaurant reputation management with a reputable provider like BuyReviewz, this job can be done confidently, and you can witness the coming of loyal customers.

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